Payment for Landlords

Rental Assistance

Rapid Rehousing service providers along with participant households determine the amount of rent and utilities that the household can afford and in accordance with applicable program guidelines. The remaining portion of the Contract Rent for the unit is subsidized by the program and is paid by HOM directly to the landlord. Landlords new to the Rapid Re-Housing program will also receive a signing bonus of up to one and a half times the monthly rent.

Permanent Supportive Housing Program participants are required to pay 30% of their adjusted monthly income towards the cost of rent and utilities. HOM calculates the participant’s portion of rent in accordance with applicable program guidelines. The remaining portion of the Contract Rent for the dwelling unit is subsidized by the program and is paid by HOM directly to the landlord. 

Deposit & Fee Payments

HOM pays the application fees, refundable security deposits and/or other non-refundable fees required for move-in in most situations and programs. These fees are paid to the landlord once HOM has received an executed copy of the lease between the landlord and tenant, and an executed copy of the Contract between the landlord and HOM. WE DO NOT PAY PET DEPOSITS

Direct Deposit for Landlords

HOM sends the housing assistance payments for our programs to landlords via direct deposit. Deposits are made directly to the landlord’s bank account and HOM sends a payment itemization to the landlord via email or regular mail for documentation and rent posting purposes.

Direct deposit eliminates problems associated with lost or stolen checks and saves all of us time and money.

Interim and Annual Adjustments to the Tenant’s Portion of Rent

On a periodic basis, HOM participants recertify their continued eligibility and assistance level in the housing programs. Upon interim or annual re-examinations, HOM re-calculates the participant’s portion of rent. Changes in the participant’s portion of rent will be provided to the participant and landlord in a one-page amendment to the existing HAP Contract or Rental Assistance Agreement. The amendment will provide the new Tenant Rent and Housing Assistance Payment to the landlord and the effective date of the change. The participant’s portion of rent is determined by HOM only, and it is illegal to charge any additional amounts for rent or any other items not specified in the lease that have not been specifically approved by HOM.