Move-In: Execute Lease and Contract

Lease with Tenant

Landlords must execute their standard property lease with the HOM-assisted participant/tenant. The term of the initial lease must be for a full 12-month period. Exceptions to the 12-month lease term may be made on a case-by-case basis.

Contract with HOM

The Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract (for PSH programs) or Rental Assistance Agreement (for RRH programs) is the agreement between the Landlord and HOM. The purpose of the Contract is to assist the HOM-assisted household to lease a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling unit from the Landlord.

The HAP Contract or Rental Assistance Agreement contains the entire agreement between HOM, Inc. and the landlord.

Following are some of the major provisions contained in these Contracts:

  • Leasing of the unit to the family
  • Provision of maintenance and other services
  • The term of the Contract and its relationship to the lease
  • Provision and payment of utilities and appliances
  • Amount of rent and amounts payable by HOM, Inc. and the tenant
  • Treatment of security deposits
  • Owner Certifications

The above list is intended to be an overview. Landlords are encouraged to read the Contract thoroughly. Samples for Permanent Supportive Housing, Mainstream and Rapid Re-Housing programs are available on Forms Central.